Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Check these ideas for a persuasive writing topic and click on the link to find some information

There should be no smoking in public places.
Smoking harms one's health.
Save the planet by saving trees.
Save the planet by saving clean water.
Save the planet by saving clean air.
Dealing with hunger in America.
Dressing right brings success.
Drinking alcohol can harm one's health.
Drinking and driving causes pain.
Drinking alcohol can destroy a family.
Planning and setting goals leads to success.
Body piercing can be very harmful.
Students have freedom of religion on campus.
Team sports benefit kids.
Team sports can be harmful to kids.
Fast food is hurting kids.
Books in school libraries should be censored.
Books in school libraries should not be censored.
Good oral hygiene saves teeth.
Kids should have curfews in communities.
Kids should not have curfews in communities.
Penalties for use of drugs should be harder.
Drugs can kill.
Kids should have cell phones on school campuses.
Kids should not have cell phones on schools campuses.

Monday, September 1, 2008


CHECK THIS OUT.. try the activities : Circumference of a Circle



SOME fun poetry click here .. choose some you like! and share with our class.


ALLITERATION: The repetition of consonant sounds, especially at the beginning of words.
ANTONYM: words that are opposite in meaning
ASSONANCE: The repetition of similar vowel sounds in a sentence or line of poetry.
BLANK VERSE: A line of poetry or prose in unrhymed iambic pentameter.
CONNOTATION: The personal or emotional associations called up by a word that go beyond itsdictionary meaning.
DENOTATION: The dictionary meaning of a word.
FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE: A form of language use in which writers and speakers mean something other than the literal meaning of their words. (E.g. hyperbole, metaphor, and simile)
FORM: the arrangement, manner or method used to convey the content, such as free verse, couplet, limerick, haiku...
FREE VERSE: Poetry without a regular pattern of meter or rhyme.
HOMONYM: Two or more distinct words with the same pronunciation and spelling but with different meanings
HOMOPHONE: two or more words with the same pronunciation but with different meanings and spellings.
HYPERBOLE: an exaggeration of the truth
IMAGE: A concrete representation of a sense impression, a feeling, or an idea.
IMAGERY: Figurative language used to create particular mental images
METAPHOR: an association of two completely different objects as being the same thing
METER: The measured pattern of rhythmic accents in poems.
RHYME: The matching of final vowel or consonant sounds in two or more words.
RHYTHM: The recurrence of accent or stress in lines of verse.
SETTING: The time and place of a literary work that establishes its context.
SIMILE: A figure of speech invoking a comparison between unlike things using "like," "as," or "as though."
STRUCTURE: The design or form of a literary work.
SYMBOL: An object or action in a literary work that means more than itself, that stands for something beyond itself.
SYNONYM: One of two or more words that have the same or nearly the same meanings.
TONE: The implied attitude of a writer (or speaker) toward the subject and characters of a work


CLICK HERE.. for a forces in action interactive game!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The ROMAN society

ROMAN QUIZ.. check your knowledge CLICK HERE

click here for various activities.


Monday, July 28, 2008


These are some great websites about ancient Roman civilisation..


What were Roman homes like?
What sorts of food did the Romans eat?
What were their table manners like? We have a Roman cookery book written by a man called Apicius. Some of the recipes sound quite modern such as sausages. Others sound rather odd. Would you like to eat calves' brains with roses? Check here for Roman recipes.

We are making a scroll in class to display your favourite Roman meal.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FAIR.. make sure you are ready and follow the planner for what you need to have ready after the holidays.


MATHS: Measurement and Number

PE: Cross country and Volleyball

SCIENCE: Forces and motion

ENGLISH: Short stories, Poetry, novel study and more..

Keep checking here for updates and things you can do to be super ready for learning in Term 3.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Some really great comments! I agree that without inspirational people in different parts and aspects of the world we live in, we possibly wouldnt be able to really believe that all things are possible with just some simple ingredients.. like determination, courage, self belief and so so much more! Miss Pepler

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

HELLO MEMBERS OF ROOM 3, Thursday 15th May

click here and read the facts sheets about different charts and graphs used to present findings.

Please also discuss this question, you can add to, comment, debate etc.. on what others in our class say: Why do we need to have Experts, Extremists and people with the X-factor in our world?

ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS CLICK ON ADD COMMENT at the end of the text.

I look forward to hearing your comments.

Have a nice afternoon

Miss Pepler

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Next term we will be learning through an Inquiry.. you will be able to choose your topic. Over the holidays take note whats on the news, what inspires you or captures your attention.

They will be categorised as either EXTREMISTS, EXPERTS or the X – FACTOR . It can be anything be:
Singers, Stars, Sports people, Hero’s, Talents, World leaders, Leaders in particular areas, Scientists, Inventors, Authors, Adventurers, Survivors, Artists, Musicians, Singers, Inspirational people, extreme weather, extreme things............. MANY MANY MORE! They can be from HISTORY OR TODAY. Have a think about this over these holidays.

INQUIRY LEARNING: learning begins with the learner. What you know and what you want to learn.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Look at this site to learn about Aucklands volanoes and volcanic History.

Inside the earth

LOOK AT THIS MODEL.. you will be in class drawing and labeling your own earth diagram. More information click here

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Rocks are aggregates of minerals. Geologists divide rocks into three groups: igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary. Igneous rocks crystallize from magma. Metamorphic rocks form by the deformation and/or recrystallization of pre-existing rock by changes in temperature, pressure, and/or chemistry. Sedimentary rocks form by weathering and erosion of preexisting rock to make sediment, which is lithified into rock.


We are starting a unit on volcanoes for science. We will learn about rocks, soils and minerals and tap into their properties. Time for researching!

Friday, March 7, 2008


Here you can view many effects on people and use of resources in a rainforest. CLICK HERE

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Hello to you all!

Here we can share information about our learning.

Please explore and enjoy being connected to the world around us!

Miss Pepler
Did you know?? that there are about 50000000 tribal people living in world's rainforests. These people depend on the forests for their food and shelter. Here you can find out about the people that live in the rainforest. click here

Wednesday, February 20, 2008



SOME GREAT BASIC FACTS TO PLAY AT HOME. Click on the name of the game.

Times Tables SNAP!? This variation of the classic card game will have your kids reviewing their multiplication times tables in an excited mood.

Times Tables Memory for those who prefer quieter games, is a good choice. As your child searches for the card they want, they will transfer multiplication facts from short-term to long-term memory.

Times Table Board Game For larger groups, you can print out and play! Question cards make it a learning experience, and the 'special' cards make it an exciting game!

Math Mazes based on certain multiplication sums. Give them to your kids when they're learning their 7 and 8 times tables!

Mathteroids! is a good game for times tables learners. In this online action space game, kids must only shoot asteroids marked with multiples of a given number.

Fizz Buzz is a good game for a group. It makes a nice icebreaker for adults too!

Multiplication Jump, a pavement-and-chalk game from a math teacher in Australia.

Ghost Blasters Another interactive game good for times tables is . Blast away at "unfriendly" ghosts - how do you tell which ghosts are unfriendly? By the number they wear!

times tables flashcards you can get a set of here, too.
To learn more about the rainforest and who it effects, you need to do lots of research to understand the impacts on different people for various reasons.

This site will share some findings that surround the impacts and effects.




This shows you the tropical rainforests of the world..